Chapter 8

Formula Masking for Pure-Tone Air-Conduction Testing

Quick Reference: The Formulae

These formulae are listed at the start of the chapter to make the book a better reference. Skip to the next section if you are a first-time reader.

Minimum Masking Level

Minimum Masking Level (MMin) = TE signal level – IA + significant NTE ABG + 10 dB (or if you prefer) For insert earphones : TE signal level – 40 dB + NTE ABG For supra-aural phones : TE signal level – 30 dB + NTE ABG "Signal Level" is your estimate of the eventual, masked threshold, not the un-masked threshold.

Maximum Masking Level

Maximum Masking Level (MMax) = BC threshold of the TE + IA – 5 (which is) For insert earphones : BC TE + 45 dB For supra-aural phones : BC TE + 35 dB

Term "Effective Masking" Level

Audiometers are calibrated so that the noise signals are in decibels of effective masking (dB EM), not dB HL. dB EM is defined as the intensity of a noise that masks the same dB HL level signal.

An example is worth more than the formal definition. When establishing the standards for dB EM, a two-channel audiometer was used. The noise and the pure tone were routed to the same earphone. The masking noise level in dB SPL was adjusted until it just masked the pure tone. For example, a 2000 Hz 40 dB HL tone was masked by 49 dB SPL of narrow-band noise (remember – routed to the same earphone). The audiometer is then calibrated so that 49 dB SPL narrow-band noise is produced when the audiologist presents 40 dB EM. (In contrast, the pure tone level of a 40 dB HL tone is 43 dB SPL for insert earphones.)

X dB EM Masks a Crossed-Over Bone-Conduction Signal of X dB HL

Any time you produce x dB EM, it masks x dB of signal presented to the same ear (if your audiometer is calibrated correctly).

The dB EM calibration reference is convenient. It means that if an air-conducted signal crosses over to the non-test ear (NTE) cochlea at some level, for example, 25 dB HL, then if we can put 25 dB EM (or more masking) into the non-test ear cochlea, then we will have masked the crossover.

It’s really as simple as that! To figure out the theoretical minimum level you will need to use, you would

  1. a) Determine how intense the crossover could be. Ex: test ear (TE) signal is 60 dB HL using insert earphones. The crossover will be 10 dB HL if the patient has that minimum interaural attenuation value of 50 dB.
  2. b) Input, at a minimum, enough masking noise so that it reaches the cochlea at 10 dB EM (higher is OK as long as overmasking does not occur). In practice, you would want a bit more (at least 10 dB more) in case there is a calibration error with your noise level.

Minimum Masking Concepts

Compensate for Non-Test Ear Conductive Loss

The presence of conductive loss in the non-test ear means that air-conducted masking is reduced in intensity as it travels through the outer and middle ear systems. To make sure that you have enough noise at the cochlea, you have to overcome any conductive component.

Estimate the Size of the Air-Bone Gap or Decide that a Non-Test Ear Air-Bone Gap is Unlikely

Conducting immittance testing before audiometry is a good way to determine if you may need to add an estimate of the size of the non-test ear conductive loss to your masking calculations. If the non-test ear had normal tympanograms, and even more importantly, present ipsilateral reflexes, then it’s a safe bet that the ear has sensorineural loss. You don’t need to add in an air-bone gap estimate in calculating the minimum masking level.

Patient symptoms, otoscopic evaluation, and audiogram shape also can lead one towards or away from suspicion of conductive loss. This first section will focus on the minimum level of masking that is needed; we will then think about the maximum level. If you are unsure of whether there may be conductive loss, you can opt to use a masking level that is closer to the maximum than it is to the minimum. If you use the “maximum approach” you don’t have to have a perfect estimate of the conductive loss size.

The safest assumptions will be to consider the worst case scenario when there is evidence of conductive loss (e.g. abnormal tympanometry and absent reflexes): make the calculations as if the loss in the non-test ear IS conductive. If the calculations indicate that masking may cause overmasking, then don’t formula mask: plateau mask.

After you obtain the entire audiogram, you will want to do one last review of your masking levels. If you had used a minimum masking approach, and if a conductive hearing loss component was present when you had not anticipated it, you’ll need to test again. (But with more masking noise, the total test time may still be less than if you had plateau masked.)

"Significant" Air-Bone Gap

Add in the air-bone gaps only if they are “real.” Remember that there is a 5 dB test-retest variability to hearing threshold testing, so, once you are finished with all your testing, if you notice the occasional 5 or 10 dB air-bone gap, don’t be concerned. You will be adding in a 10 dB safety pad – using 10 dB more masking than the absolute minimum, so this will help if there are small air-bone gaps. I would recommend adding in air-bone gaps of 15 or higher. It is safer to add in the air-bone gap than omit it, so if you are “auditing” your final test results before taking the patient out of the booth, if you have any question that there was insufficient masking, add in those air-bone gaps to your formula and re-test the air-conduction thresholds that are in question. Air-conduction testing uses a 50 dB IA value in the formulae, and most patients have a much greater IA, so for air-conduction testing, it’s not so critical that you consider minor air-bone gaps. When we move to bone-conduction testing, then it is important. You don’t have the overly-cautious interaural attenuation value to mitigate against the probability of undermasking.

Minimum Masking Air-Conduction Formula Process

To formula mask when testing via air-conduction, you ask :


1) Could the AC signal cross over to the non-test ear?

This thought generally doesn’t even need to enter your mind until the air-conduction test signal level is 50 dB or higher. (More on that in the next section.) You next asked yourself:

2) Could the crossed-over signal be heard by the non-test ear cochlea? How intense might that the crossed over signal be?

This requires thinking about the bone-conduction threshold of the non-test ear, since crossover happens when the air-conducted sound vibrates the skull and creates bone-conducted sound.
Example: at 1000 Hz we have:
Left ear AC threshold = 70 dB HL
Right ear             = 10 dB HL  
The 20 dB cross over (assuming use of insert earphones with a 50 dB interaural attenuation) could be heard.  

3) Add the estimated NTE air-bone gap to the crossover level.

Is there conductive loss in the non-test ear (NTE)? If so, what is the largest size it could realistically be? Add the estimated NTE air-bone gap to the crossover level. The noise presented by air conduction will lose intensity (in the amount of the air-bone gap size) as it passes through the outer and middle ear. To ensure it is at the desired level when it reaches the cochlea, it has to be increased by the size of the NTE air-bone gap.
Example: at 1000 Hz we have:
Left ear AC threshold = 70 dB HL
Right ear             = 10 dB HL  
If immittance is normal, and there are no symptoms of conductive loss, then I would not add any estimated air-bone gap size to my formula. 

If instead this adult patient had abnormal immittance, I would consider that the bone-conduction threshold may be 0 dB. 
I will add 10 dB to my formula.  

There is just one more step to finding the minimum masking level.

4) Add 10 dB more for safety

I call this a “pad” or “safety pad.” If my estimate of the air-bone gap is slightly low, or if the masking noise is slightly off calibration, or if there was a small unrecognized non-test ear air-bone gap, this extra little bit of noise reduces the likelihood that I will undermask.
Example: at 1000 Hz we have:
Left  ear AC threshold = 70
Right ear AC threshold = 10 dB HL.
Immittance is normal.

The total formula: 
    MMin = TE signal level – 40 + NTE ABG

Above, the steps were to:
take the signal level, subtract 50, then add 10 as a safety pad, 
Which simplifies to:  signal level – 40.

Formula = Signal level – 40 + NTE ABG 
        = 70 -40 + 0
        = 30 dB EM
If immittance had been abnormal, 
to mask the 70 dB signal I need :
        (70 - 40 + 10) = 40 dB EM

Min. Masking total formula for insert earphones:
MMin = TE signal level – 40 + NTE ABG.

There’s a Limit to Prudent Caution

When determining the need for masking and estimating the air-bone gap and setting the mimimum level, you may ask yourself whether it is appropriate to assume that bone conduction is better than 0 dB HL. For example, could a 45 dB HL pure tone cross over and be heard if the bone-conduction threshold is -5 dB? If the patient is a child, this may be appropriate. Or if estimating non-test ear air-bone gap size, should you consider that perhaps the bone-conduction score is really -5 or -10 dB HL? Again, you can if it is a child.

How cautious you want to be depends on you and your preceptor’s general approach. You can be cautious from the start and make these super-conservative assumptions (particularly if it’s a child). You could also “play the odds” – assume that the patient will be typical (bone-conduction threshold not better than 0 dB HL). After you have completed testing both ears, your last step should be to see if you failed to mask when masking was needed, or didn’t sufficiently account for a small air-bone gap. If either is the case, you would just retest with sufficient masking.

However, remember that the assumption of a 50 dB interaural attenuation is already a very conservative assumption, (unrealistically so for low-frequency pure tones.) In reality, the minimum interaural attenuations are higher – refer back to Chapter 2, Figure 3. That means that the amount of masking you are using, which was based on the 50 dB IA number, is higher than you probably need. And if you find a low-frequency asymmetry of 50 dB between the test ear air-conduction threshold and the non-test ear bone-conduction threshold, in reality, it is not truly crossover. (In the 1000 to 3000 Hz range, the IA could be as low as 50 dB.)

Review of the Formula for Minimum Masking Level

Let’s review the formula, using the abbreviations:

Mininum Masking Level (MMin) = TE AC signal level – IA + NTE ABG + 10 dB. For insert earphones this is: TE AC signal level – 40 + NTE ABG For TDH earphones this is: TE AC signal level – 30 + NTE ABG

Estimate Eventual Threshold – Use as “TE AC Signal Level" in the Min. Masking Formula

The test ear hearing threshold is likely to shift once masking is introduced, due to the initial results being due to cross-hearing, or due to the central masking effects. For this reason, using a minimum level of masking, based upon the unmasked threshold, isn’t a good idea.

When threshold shifts (as it likely will, even if just 5 dB due to central masking), then you would have to re-calculate the minimum level and adjust the masking noise. That would be as inefficient as plateau masking. How would you estimate the eventual test ear threshold?

  • If you believe that the test ear is “dead," you would base your minimum masking formula on the audiometer’s maximum output level (e.g. 125 dB HL)
  • If you are retesting a patient, estimate that the threshold is now 20 dB worse than the last time you tested (or more, if you have reason to suspect greater shift.)
  • If you find an umasked threshold and expect thresholds to shift once masked, calculate the minimum masking level based on the assumption that the eventual, masked threshold will be 20 to 40 dB above the unmasked threshold level. li>

Maximum Masking Level Before Overmasking (MMax)

Overmasking: NTE AC Noise Crosses Back to TE via BC

Setting the minimum masking level ensures that you are not undermasking – that the non-test ear is prevented from hearing the crossed-over signal. It is equally important to make sure that the presence of masking noise in the non-test ear is not crossing back resulting in overmasking.

The interaural attenuation for masking noise is the same as it is for pure tones (i.e. a minimum of 50 dB for insert earphones). For example, a noise level that is 70 dB EM could cross back to the test ear cochlea at 20 dB EM. As with crossover, the crossed-back signal is sent via bone conduction. This means we need to compare the crossed-back noise level to the TEST ear BONE-conduction threshold.

Calculating Maximum Masking Level

To determine the maximum level of noise to safely put into the non-test ear without concern for overmasking, estimate the best (lowest dB number) TEST ear bone-conduction threshold that is reasonably expected, add the interaural attenuation, then subtract 5 dB. Why subtract 5 dB? If the dB EM at the cochlea is exactly equal to the pure tone level, you will have over masking. You need to reduce the masking level 5 dB to find the maximum level of noise that can be used without risk of overmasking.

Maximum Masking Level MMax = TE BC threshold + IA – 5 dB

For insert earphones, this simplifies to :
    TE BC threshold + 45 dB 

And for supra-aural earphones:
    TE BC threshold + 35 dB

The maximum level is often very high. Let’s examine the case of an 80 dB HL sensorineural loss. The maximum masking level that can be used before overmasking with insert earphones is 80 + 50 – 5: 125 dB EM.

Use the “Best Reasonable” BC Threshold when Calculating MMax

For air-conduction minimal masking levels, you are advised to estimate that the test ear air-conduction threshold will come in at least 20 dB higher than the unmasked threshold. Don’t do that when thinking about the bone-conduction threshold. You need to consider the “worst case scenario” – that is, the best bone-conduction threshold you are likely to find. If immittance was normal and the patient symptoms are pointing away from any conductive involvement, then I would use the unmasked air-conduction threshold as my estimate of the bone-conduction threshold. (I may not get a full 2 out of 3 Hughson-Westlake threshold before masking, but I’ll use that as the approximation of threshold.)

If you want to be particularly cautious, you can estimate that the bone-conduction threshold will be even lower (e.g. 10 dB lower).

Use the Cochlear Sensitivity if the BC Threshold will be “No Response” or Vibrotactile

To make it easier to read the formula, I am writing “BC threshold” in formulae, but really what I mean is cochlear sensitivity. For example, if the air-conduction threshold is 90 dB HL, and the audiometer bone-conduction output limit is 70 dB HL, use the 90 dB HL number in the formula.

If you predict that, when you are conducting bone-conduction testing, you may find vibrotactile thresholds, again, think about cochlear sensitivity when calculating MMax – not the “threshold that is probably feeling not hearing.”

Estimating the Test Ear BC Threshold if Conductive / Mixed Loss is Suspected

If immittance test results are abnormal for the test ear, then the air-conduction threshold does not predict the bone-conduction threshold. The only thing you can safely do is assume the entire loss is conductive.

(Well, if you had a prior audiogram with masked bone-conduction results, that could be an exception to the rule that you have to consider that the entire loss could be conductive. Use the prior bone-conduction threshold in that case (it's unlikely that cochlear sensitivity has improved significantly since you last tested the patient.))

Formula masking is easiest and safest for sensorineural losses – if estimating the TE or NTE air-bone gap is too uncertain, and/or the air-bone gaps are large – then plateau masking is preferable. Formula masking still works when there are minimal air-bone gaps, even in each ear. Just remember the saying: “When in doubt, plateau it out.”

Don’t Create Loudness Discomfort!

Using the maximum level instead of the minimum masking level is efficient – it will eliminate having to turn up the masking noise if the hearing threshold is higher than what you used in your calculation of the minimum masking level. However, the maximum level may be very high, and you don’t want to cause your patient discomfort. In the example of 80 dB unilateral sensorineural loss, MMax was 125 dB EM. Putting 125 dB of effective masking noise into the normal-hearing non-test ear would be painful.

Even with hearing loss in the non-test ear, the MMax level may cause loudness discomfort. If the patient has asymmetrical hearing loss, with profound cochlear loss in the test ear (e.g. poorer ear sensorineural loss of 110 dB HL and better ear threshold 50 dB HL), while you could use effective masking levels that are as high as the audiometer output limits without fear of overmasking, loudness grows quickly in ears with sensorineural loss. A UCL of 100-110 dB HL would be expected for the non-test ear with 50 dB of cochlear loss. Don’t use levels near MMax if it would be uncomfortable (unless you are required to do so to reach MMin.)

If you don’t have experience in estimating UCLs, there’s an app for that too, and that app is currently free (PC or Mac OSX platforms). It’s found on the website. You can estimate MCL (most comfortable loudness level) and UCL (uncomfortable loudness level) for various hearing losses, sensorineural and those with conductive components.

Formula Masking Ideally Uses ONE Level of Noise!

To be most efficient, you would like to input a noise level to the non-test ear that doesn’t require adjustment as you establish the test ear threshold. Using the maximum masking noise level, based on the best-possible test ear bone-conduction threshold you expect, would do that; however, as discussed above, it may recommend very high noise levels, and using those levels would not make you popular with your patients.

This is where different audiologists / preceptors take different approaches. Some will advocate something near the maximum level, moderated as needed to avoid loudness discomfort. (But, as we will soon discuss, if you use MMax, you still should check that that level is above MMin.)

Another approach is to estimate the air-conduction threshold, and use that when calculating the minimum masking level. If you calculate both the minimum and the maximum levels, then you can also choose any level between the two, with consideration of patient comfort.

If using MinMask, Check for the Possibility of Overmasking

As you set the noise level in the non-test ear, using a minimum masking approach, always think “could this overmask?”

Take the noise level you are presenting. Subtract 45 dB (35 dB for supra-aural earphones), which is 5 dB less than the interaural attenuation value. Do you have concern that the bone-conduction threshold may be at or below that level? If so, you may be overmasking. Instead, use the maximum masking noise level approach or switch back to plateau masking.


Child with a bilateral conductive loss, with flat tympanograms. Air-conduction thresholds in each ear are 50 dB HL.

Once I start masking, thresholds could increase, perhaps to 70 dB HL.

Minimum formula: 70 dB signal level – 40 dB + possible NTE 70 dB air-bone gap if the loss is as bad as 70 dB HL in each ear = 100 dB EM

Maximum formula: Best probable test ear bone-conduction threshold is 0 dB HL + 45 dB = 45.

The maximum is 45, and the minimum is 100, obviously this is a problem! I will plateau mask and hope that the true interaural attenuation is higher than 70 (and lower than the amount of the conductive component). Maybe if I plateau carefully I will find a narrow, but present, plateau. Formula masking is not going to work. Even plateau masking may not work – this may be a masking dilemma.

Don’t Formula Mask with Bilateral Conductive Losses

As the example above illustrates, if you have significant bilateral conductive loss, it’s not safe to formula mask. You have to revert to plateau masking

If Using MMax, Check that Masking is Sufficient

Do a final check that the masking was enough – calculate MinMask for the threshold obtained, be sure at least that much was used.

Some clinicians routinely use the MMax approach (with the level reduced to ensure that loudness discomfort isn’t a problem.) If you use that strategy, do a final check that the masking was sufficient to mask the crossover. This is basically calculating the minimum masking level using the measured threshold:

Masked threshold – IA + 10 dB + NTE ABG. If you did not use at least this amount of noise, you are potentially undermasking.

Recognize the Need to Recalculate Masking Levels

You may need to recalculate the minimum masking level if you find the test ear air-conduction threshold is worse than you estimated or, when using MMax, if the test-ear bone conduction threshold was better than estimated.

When using a minimum masking level approach, you estimated the threshold. If you are finding that the patient’s hearing threshold is above this level, pause. Recalculate your minimum masking level. Double check that this new level would not cause over masking. At this point, you either increase the masking noise and continue to search for threshold, or, if you found that you are at risk for overmasking, then stop the formula masking approach. Revert to plateau masking.

If you were using the MMax approach, then the concern is when bone-conduction thresholds for the test ear come in better than expected. You based the MMax on the bone-conduction threshold; if the patient's measured threshold is lower, then MMax is lower. In that case, re-consider potential for overmasking. (Simply recalculate MMax; if you used a noise above that level, retest the masked air-conduction threshold with a lower level of masking noise, one that is based on the new MMax or MMin.)


The mQuest games, levels 10 and 11, ask you to calculate crossover, then establish the minimum masking level, which is simply 10 dB above the crossover for these levels, which involve sensorineural hearing loss. In level 10, the loss is unilateral; level 11 is very similar, the loss is bilateral but asymmetrical. Levels 10 and 11 also ask you for the maximum masking level: the test ear BC threshold + IA -5 dB (which simplifies to BC threshold + 45 for insert earphones). Remember that in the clinic, you can use any level between the minimum and maximum level and you will have masked appropriately

In Level 12, you first consider whether or not you should consider the possibility of air-bone gaps in the non-test ear. Look at the non-test ear immittance results. If they are normal, then assume that the bone-conduction threshold in the non-test ear equals the air-conduction threshold. If immittance is abnormal, assume that the bone-conduction threshold is 0 dB HL. If there are air-bone gaps in the non-test ear, you have to add the air-bone gaps to the NTE masking level. (The game is designed so that any air-bone gap cases will be significant air-bone gaps, not 5-10 dB ones that might leave you wondering what you should do.)

Remember that in formula masking, you have to estimate thresholds in order for your masking to be efficient. In level 10-12, you are given those estimated thresholds – that is what the “sliders” represent.

Level 13 begins to have you estimate the test ear eventual threshold. You will be given one of the following scenarios:

  • Prior testing indicates a “dead” ear. You would base your minimum masking formula on the audiometer’s maximum output level (e.g. 125 dB HL).
  • Prior testing gave you a given threshold level. Estimate that the threshold will be 20 dB worse – use that to calculate your minimum level. Your maximum should be based on the best possible bone-conduction threshold.
  • You have a preliminary unmasked threshold at a given level. Guess that the eventual threshold will be 20 to 40 dB worse and use that to calculate your minimum masking level. Again, you’ll calculate MMax.

Level 14 gives you the preliminary threshold, the twist is that there may be air-bone gaps in the test ear. In calculating your maximum masking level, you will need to use that best-possible bone-conduction threshold, which means that overmasking will be a problem more often.

Level 15 has possibilities of air-bone gaps both in the non-test ear and test ear. You will calculate crossover, the minimum and maximum masking values, and indicate if you should plateau mask instead. When you are getting absurd masking levels, (minimum is above maximum) remember – those are the times when, clinically, you would plateau

AudSim Flex

To move you towards mastery of air-conduction formula masking, it’s time to use AudSim. You are not told to use a specific approach (min / max) – it’s up to you to mask appropriately.

You can try some AudSim formula masking now, but until you have done bone-conduction formula masking, it’s probably better to just try a few. I’d suggest doing more when you are ready to do both formula air- and bone-conduction masking.

With bilateral conductive loss, you can’t safely formula mask – cases F, G, J, M, N, and P may require you revert to plateau masking, and you may have masking dilemmas. If you recognize that’s the case, mark them as MD (masking dilemma) to indicate that you have recognized that you cannot plateau mask.

Key Points

Any level between the minimum and maximum will mask appropriately; however, be considerate and avoid presenting uncomfortably loud masking levels.

  • Formula masking works best if you estimate the final threshold accurately. If you estimate too low a threshold, you would need to readjust the masking levels upward.
  • Sometimes, plateau masking is a better choice than formula masking. If you calculate MMin and MMax (using the same threshold in calculating both min and max) and they are the same or if MMax is lower than MMin, then you need to use plateau masking. (And if it is word discrimination testing or ABR testing, well, you are in a pickle. You’ll have to do your best and note on the results the test limitation.) Chapter 10 discusses approaches to speech masking.
The formula are:
Minimum Masking Level (MMin):

TE signal level – IA + significant NTE ABG + 10 dB

For insert earphones : TE signal level – 40 + NTE ABG
For TDH headphones   : TE signal level – 30 + NTE ABG

"Signal level" is your estimate of the eventual threshold, 
NOT the unmasked air-conduction threshold.

Maximum Masking Level (MMax): 

BC threshold of the TE + IA – 5

For insert earphones : TE best possible BC threshold - 45

For TDH headphones   : TE best possible BC threshold - 35

If you calculate both minimum and maximum and use a level within that range, you are sure to have masked correctly. If you use only the minimum masking formula, do a double check to be sure you are not overmasking :

Noise level – 45
If the TE BC threshold is that level or lower, you may be overmasking.

If you calculated only the maximum level, check to be sure you did not undermask. Once threshold is established, determine the signal level that crossed over. Could that be heard in the non-test ear, above the level of noise you used? (Alternatively, calculate MMin and be sure you used that much or more.)